Department: Municipal Health Office
 Department Head:  Lahaina Gabriel-Bulaong
Department's Contact Number: 09985932655
Department's Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 Office Mandate: Primary Health Care (Health Services, Health Programs, Health Education)
Office Services: (Kindly answer in Bullet Form) - Consultation (Philhealth Konsulta Provider) - Medical Certification - Dental Services (Tooth extraction, fluoride application, prophylaxis, dental health education) - Drug Sensitive and Drug Resistant TB Programs (Screening, Monitoring and Management) Maternal and Child Care Services - Child Immunization (Expanded Program on Immunization) - Adolescent Center - Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening and Management - Non-communicable Disease (NCD) Diagnosis and Management (Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Bronchial Asthma, etc.) - Dispensing of maintenance medication for Non-communicable Disease(NCD) - Prenatal and Postnatal Care - Anti-tobacco program (counseling and smoking cessation) - Lying-in (Labor and Delivery of uncomplicated cases)in RHU 3 - Basic Mental Health Services - Infectious Disease Surveillance - Patient Transport Vehicle
E-services: (Ex: Appointment/Application/Online Payment) Consultation in Barangay Health Station (BHS) Referral from BHS to Rural Health Units
List of Downloadable Forms in your Department: (If available send to ” This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.”) None
Soft Copy of Downloadable Forms None
OPTIONAL: Additional information about your Department that is important/needed to put in the website Location of RHUs Barangays and their designated RHUs










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